Please view the SSC Orientation Screencast to help you understand the Goals and Procedures of a School Site Council.
The purpose of the School Site Council is to review and evaluate all aspects of the School Plan For Student Achievement (SPSA), as specified in the Education Code of the State of California, especially the implementation and effectiveness of the plan, and modify the plan to reflect changing needs and priorities, with the involvement of school staff, community, and parents. The school site council is a group of teachers, parents, other staff members, and students (at the high school level) that works with the principal to develop, review and evaluate school improvement programs and school budgets. The members of the site council are generally elected by their peers. California Education Code 64001(a) requires that districts receiving state, federal and other applicable funding through the Consolidated Application (ConApp) prepare a School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA).
The SSC has two primary functions:
1. Developing, adopting and revising the School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA).
2. Ensuring that a school meets all federal parental involvement mandates.